
Showing posts from October, 2016

Insult quotes | best insult quotes

A Collection of best insult quotes, insult quotes, insult quotes and sayings, quotes on insult, quotes to insult someone, short insult quotes, insult quotes for whatsaap facebook, ★ I don't insult people. I just describe them. ★ Hi! I'm a human being! What are you? ★ Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you? ★ Are your parents siblings? ★ I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time? ★ I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. ★ Save your breath, you'll need it to blow up your date. ★ Mix with people with a good attitude. ★ If you are shameless, you would do as you wish.. ★ Why don't you understand me like my iPhone does?? ★ I don't insult people. I just describe them. ★ Hi! I'm a human being! What are you? ★ Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you? ★ Are your parents siblings? ★ I'm busy now. Can I ignore you some other time? ★ I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode. ★ Save your breath, you

100+ Best Feeling Emotional Quotes and Saying

Browse our selections of quotes on Emotions from our website, mixed emotions quotes, quotes about emotions Fake People Quotes Attitude quotes ★ We must seek to balance our emotions , the positive and the negative. Only then can we find the middle path of peace. ★ Taking control of your emotions is taking the reins of a fierce and wild animal. ★ They may be little, but emotions are the cells that breathe life into living. ★ Male or female, there is no human or mammal that cannot feel a bit of that emotion. ★ You can always recall the experience with its corresponding emotion. We remember with our hearts. ★ There is no such thing as being too emotions . There is, however, such a thing as overreacting. ★ When one professes to feel nothing at all, he is, in fact, feeling everything. ★ Those who numb themselves from emotion are truly sensitive souls. ★ Joy and Sadness are bedmates, strange as they are, and necessary for the existence of the other. ★ I crave the rushing emotion of what com

Fake People Quotes | Fake People Sayings

list of quotes for fake people that you can send them via a text to make them realize, fake people ,fake peoples quotes, i hate fake people quotes images, quotes about fake people, quotes about people being fake, quotes on fake people Attitude quotes Lying quotes ★ Loving a fake person is worse than hating someone with a real personality. ★ Fear should be felt more with a fake friend who hugs you than with an enemy that attacks you. ★  Fake people are real, live mannequins. ★ There are no points to a beautiful monster. More is counted from an ugly swan. ★ Not all beautiful people are as real as you see; mostly they are just wearing masks. ★ I own twin faces, while everyone else has two. ★ I only like fake people when they are mannequins. ★ Do not be confused when a person changes. It’s just that their mask already fell off. ★ Real people would not care about their appearance; only fake people would need to maintain their image. ★ When fake people use their friends, they use them l

Lying quotes | quotes about lying

Best Inspirational Quotes On lies, best lying boyfriend quotes, famous quotes about lying, lying by omission quotes, lying friends quotes, lying quotes, lying to yourself quotes, Lying quotes for whatsaap facebook Sorry Quotes Bhai dooj Quotes ★ Even the most unsuspicious disguises could not hide a great lie from the eyes that ould see through you. ★ People who have made a habit out of lying are not doing this for the sake of any gain, but just to amuse themselves. ★ Once you have tasted the sin of lying , you could not help but lie and lie again. Telling lies would become natural to him, and no one would believe if he spoke the truth. ★ Deceiving is an unpleasant tangle of web. ★ Lies could separate you from the ones you love. You may lie to protect other, but the wall of lis you have built upon yourself could never be conquered again. ★ It is amazing to think that single, small lie could undo a lifetime’s work of art. ★ The weak ones are the ones who do not have the guts to tell

53 Sorry Quotes | i m sorry quotes

Here are some best collection of im sorry quotes,  im sorry quotes for her, im sorry quotes for him, sorry quotes for her, sorry quotes for him sorry quotes for whatsaap facebook, short sorry quotes, I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people. But when I say sorry , I mean it. I’m sorry for my words and actions last time. I must admit, I am so stupid for saying those words to you. I hope you can still forgive me. From now on, I will think first before saying or doing anything that may hurt others. Having a healthy life is having a forgiving heart. If someone says sorry and mean it, then you should forgive. Do not let your pride blind you from what is good and what is not. I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done. You know I did not mean to hurt you in any way. That’s why I am humbling down myself to ask for your forgiveness. I promise I will never do it again. Being sorry but not being sincere is useless. It will only make you do the same mistakes over and over again. So i